filling IN THE gaps where needed -
Big Things,
little things, grass roots community building
education & Opportunity
History & tradition
keiki, kupuna & Veterans
Respect, honor & serve others

Like many rural communities across the U.S., it can be challenging to find employment, opportunity, resources, even comprehensive medical care. Kaʻu is no exception. OKK is working to improve that by responding to a wide variety of community needs. We contribute and assist in major fundraisers for the Kaʻu Hospital Foundation which donates money toward life-saving and life-enhancing equipment. If a local resident becomes disabled, OKK volunteers have been known to step in quickly to build a wheel-chair accessible ramp. If one of our kupuna has a leaky roof, we fix it. No job is too small. Our volunteers pull together to do things like adopting-a-highway, assist in monthly Hawaii Island Food Bank distribution, maintaining abandoned cemeteries, as well make donations to local schools. Now, perhaps our biggest effort so far, is raising funds for land to build a future senior housing project in Naʻalehu. Below are links to our ongoing projects: